Orientation and Facility Tour

09/21/2023 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM CT


  • Free


Austin, TX


This is an informative, and required, orientation session for new Asmbly members. Click the event name for more detailed information about this event.


Welcome! This informative orientation for prospective members is a great way to tour the space and learn how ASMBLY works. This is a requirement for starting your membership, but attendees do not have an obligations to join. You will receive a coupon code to apply the $10 orientation fee to your first month of membership. 


This session is in person at the makerspace and we require closed toe shoes at all times at Asmbly. 

Approximately One Hour. Enter at the Front Main Entrance (opposite side of the woodshop) Please email membership@asmbly.org if you are going to be late.


Here's a few things you can check out prior to this session:

  • Sign up for our Discourse forum yo.asmbly.org.  Discourse is our main hub for member communication, so take some time to check out what's there and if you'd like you can introduce yourself in Member Introductions.
  • Visit our social media channels on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram by searching "asmbly"
  • Sign the member agreement & waiver online at asmbly.org/waiver.
  • Purchase a membership by logging in to your Neon member portal and selecting "My Membership" from the dropdown menu.
    • Purchasing a membership is NOT required to attend an orientation session. 

For a full overview of the process to becoming a member, check out our website at asmbly.org/how-to-join-asmbly.