CNC Project - Inlay using 321 Technique

01/04/2023 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM CT


  • $50.00


Austin, TX


Using Vcarve Pro software, you'll learn and practice the 321 Technique to produce complementary carvings which when mated and glued and cut apart, produce precise wood inlays. 


A wood inlay is the insertion of a cut wood design into a contrasting wood that's cut to receive it. Done well, the results are amazing. Using a CNC and the right technique, results can be predictably good and the designs will look crisp and well-defined. 
In this class we teach you the 321 Technique, a process using Vcarve Pro and a CNC to produce tight inlays. In addition you will see the technique demonstrated and have a chance to practice it yourself. You'll be given the opportunity to modify a design with your initials, produce the code for the cut, and actually perform the cut in class. You'll leave with a glued-up project which you can easily finalize during a future shop visit.
The class is three hours and requires recent certification or training on our Laguna CNCs.
Preclass Assignment:
Watch the following videos before class: